May 22, 2010

Making History.

I finally did it! I finally made it into one of Pioneer Woman's Photography Contests groups! It's a photo from over a year ago on May 16th that I took at my best friends wedding! :)
I took it with my little point and shoot camera. I don't even know which one! I think my little canon powershot sd1100. And I thought I had to use my fancy smancy camera to get in one of those photography contests! What do I know.

See Pioneer Woman's Post here!

It's the fifth photo down, but how could you miss my beautiful best friend as the bride?
The finalists from the 5 groups will be posted tomorrow. I don't expect to be in that at all, but it would be nice!
I'm going to keep trying though!

On another note: My foot will come out of the bandage tomorrow. Thank goodness. I can't move my ankle because they have it wrapped so much, so my foot is a little stiff and painful. I can't wait to see what it looks like. I don't even know if I have stitches or anything about it... but that I am going to have a purple scar for a while again. 

My goal is to be on the move and walking by Friday. I'm pretty sure I can make that happen!

I almost pulled a great move- almost slipped and busted my butt in the mexican parking lot. I have to get rid of those crutches.

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

Cool, Mo! Great job!