Sep 23, 2010

Is it stuffed?!

Not quite. That is a cake that my awesome mom made.

I tell her that I'm gonna need awesome cakes like this when I have kids. :)

Life size Elmo. Actually... probably bigger! 
This cake is (slash was- because it no longer exists!) the best cake she has ever done. Ever. It was awesome. It was even better in person!

Here are a couple more that she has done.

So, if you live in the Middle GA area... or if you're willing to TRAVEL! :)
You or your kids could have a special cake! Anything you can think of... she can do. She won't say that... but she knows she can!

Oh... and she does Cookies too!! 

My Alabama sister  makes cookies as well! She actually has a 'business' known as the Cookie Jar. Hit her up for some cookies if Alabama is closer to you! :)
She even ships her cookies!!

They both worked on these together!


Linsey said...

Thanks for the shout out, Mo! I do ship! I had my first successful shipping order this week :)

Anonymous said...

Some people are so talented! Amazing!