Aug 1, 2011

Always something...

We had a mishap on our farm yesterday.

Bound to happen with a new horse around.

Flint got out... those three words make me so angry. Even worse he got into the pasture with lizzie, somehow. Still haven't figured that one out. She was in a woven wire fence that doesn't allow anything bigger than an armadillo to do through those little holes. None of the gates were broken or open. It's like he just appeared in there.

My mare, Lizzie, split her hoof all the way up to the coronary  band...

So annoying...

Needless to say, she's my 'bad horse'... as in she is the one to always go "HAHA you can't catch me!! I will NEVER have my feet trimmed again!!! HA!"

So that is why her feet look like.... poo.

Dearest Lizzie, we will now become best-est friends since you are now stall bound for the next 3 weeks. Have fun in your little box.
the one who use to chase you for hours and is now having to clean up your poo and wrap your foot in duct tape.


Ruth said...

awwww.... poor Lizzie, hope she has a fast recovery.

Kate said...

Ouch that photo made me cringe a bit. Will she learn her lesson? Probably not!

Anonymous said...

Not gonna lie, I snickered at "the one who use to chase you for hours and is now having to clean up your poo and wrap your foot in duct tape", lol.

Candi James said...

Oh my!!! that looks like it hurts Molly! Hope she gets better soon!