Nov 21, 2010

Happy Birthday....


I won't tell you how old he turned... he's a baby and I get made fun of enough for it! (How old do y'all think he is!?) :)
I just wanted to let everyone know that he had a great birthday weekend. He started off with a round of golf on Saturday. His dad invited my parents to dinner and we all went to Jim Shaws! (That's where we usually go on date night... we love that place!) Sunday... more golf and then momma Jan surprised him with a chocolate cake! His favorite! Half of it is at my house now... and I'm really excited about that. Oh, and Josh brought me flowers on his birthday... what a sweetheart!! No really, he's the best boyfriend I've ever had. Like his grandmother said after she started eating that yummy cake... I'm so glad he fell in love with me. :)

I told mom that he fell into the right family.... he's got good birthday cake for life!!

Happy Birthday Joshua!! I love you SO much!!!!

I also had a pretty good weekend. My roommate from college came up to visit and we got all my horses ridden! Even the fat ones! :) It was good seeing Rhiana and I'm glad she got to come up! We helped mom with a catering job on Friday night and then we rode horses all day saturday. She even came along for Josh's birthday dinner! Sunday we rode some more and she headed home after lunchtime. It was a good weekend!

1 comment:

CHERI said...

Happy Birthday to Josh, a little late. I've just been soooo busy that I haven't had any time to read my blogs!