My Mema had 2 unplanned back surgeries and was in the hospital for the past four weeks. She is now recovering in an 'Assisted living' until she gets back on her feet! She's doing much better though.
I went to the beach one day with Josh, his mom and sister and her friend! We had a lot of fun! Josh and I met them up there on Saturday night and spent Sunday on the beach! We had a lot of fun for one day on the beach!

The peach festival was also this past month! My mom, my sisters, my little brother, Blair and me and Josh all loaded up and went to it! It was fun, but not as much fun as it was when I was a kid! We got to see the peach cobbler! I ate some :)

My mom and dad started the worlds largest peach cobbler years ago! They finally passed it on to someone else but it still is in good hands!

My niece will be 9 months on the ninth. Look how big she's getting!

This past weekend I took my roommate home with me. We were driving and popped up on a sunflower field and I was bound and determined to get pictures there on the horses! So, that night I called a friend- she said she could do it! The next day, we rode the 6 miles horseback to the field and here is the result!

This is about when the fireworks started going off! What an interesting ride home we had....

I absolutely love every single one of them! I think Rhiana and I are going to have a few blown up and put them in our new apartment when we move in. Speaking of that... that's what I've been doing this whole week besides studying! I moved the couch cushions, the kitchen table and chairs, the area rug, and a bunch of stuff out of my room yesterday. My poor little liberty was packed to the roof all day! But now all I have left is my furniture in my room and the couch! I'm gonna have to wait on the boyfriend or mother to come help me move those!
We've had a busy summer so far! We had our family reunion fathers day weekend and I also went up top the Lake to Josh's family reunion!
I'll try to keep this more updated :)