I just realized today is May 1st... really. where does the time go?
I took my first of four finals this morning. It was possibly the hardest test I have ever taken in my life (ok, maybe not as hard has Fundamentals of Chemistry II final with Baker- the teacher from Hell- literally), BUT rumor has it that my teacher doesn't count the final... (?). He doesn't believe in finals and just gives on to give one. According to more than 5 people who have taken the class, the grades will be posted tomorrow night (tomorrow night!?!)! That was a 12 page (I mean BOOKLET) exam I just took. There are at least 60 of us in that room. That's 720 pages of test that he has to grade in less than 24 hours. Even 48 hours is not enough for that!! It takes him a week to grade our 5 page exams! So, I believe them. I hope that my B will magically turn into an A, but I'll settle with my B. Maybe sitting in his office all those hours talking about pigs and gardening will pay off!! ;)
Over the past 2 months I have been working on a Scrap book for Josh and me! I absolutely love it and I can't wait to finish the pages I have yet to do! Here are a few pages that I have done!
The pages I have yet to start are The hiking page that will come after camping, Callaway Gardens, and golfing/Masters page after that!
So, mid March Josh and I went camping and it was so much fun! FDR State park claimed they had a ton of wildlife, but we only say one deer and a million squirrels! One of the squirrels and a few of his accomplices chewed a hole in our tent to get some bread. Let's just say Josh and I learned not to leave food in the tent no matter how hot it's going to be in the back of the truck!
We also went on an EIGHT mile hike. It was an intense hike, too. Up and down huge mountains and around a few. I definitely wasn't prepared for it with my one little bottle of water! I was glad to be back at the truck that day.

After hiking, we drove the five minutes to Callaway Gardens and got in for free! they had some kind of party going on so we just mosied around by ourselves and got fun pictures!
After we got back from camping, mom asked if Josh and I wanted to go to the Masters. I mentioned it to Josh (who didn't know dad has tickets) and he flipped his lid! I thought he was going to go into shock. He was so excited and said absolutely we are going! We decided what day we wanted to go on, and in a few weeks we would be heading to Augusta on Sunday April 12 to the Masters!
A few weekends after camping, Josh and I made a trip to a local golf course and I watched him golf and he taught me the basics. I never knew what a birdie or bogey was until that day. I guess the excitement of going to the Masters got Josh in a golfing mood. It was a lot of fun watching him play and I got some cool swinging pictures to add to the scrapbook!
The Masters was a lot of fun! We left at about 6:30am and got up there early enough to get our chairs 5 rows back on the 18th hole! We watched the first 5 or 6 pairs go through the first hole and then walked over to ten and sat in the grass for a while. We ended up walking to 6 and watching Tiger Woods and Phil Mickleson putt. Then we raced through the crowd and got to 8 to watch them tee off. Then we ran to 10 to watch them putt! It was a lot of fun! I think we ventured back up to our chairs after that! We were really tired and hot! The three way tie at the end was a treat for us to see. That hasn't happened since 1987 (that was the year i was born!), so it has been a while!
Since it was a tournament day... no cameras. I was devastated, but my mom let me keep one of the tickets and I'm going to rip apart that little booklet they give out to put in the scrapbook. Maybe that'll look ok.
Other than that not much has been going on! I went down to my sister's house and got to play with my niece! She's so much fun and I loved being able to see her and hold her! I'll probably get to go down there again soon because I'll be done with classes for a few weeks! I'm quite sure we'll have a playdate!